A portrait
Keep some room in your heart for the unimaginable
My cultural backdrop paints my life in vivid hues. Growing up during the ’70s in Sweden with an Ethiopian father and a Swedish mother, I stood out. In a sea of homogeneity, my individuality was a guiding principle. Nightclubs and restaurants were my family’s trade, so my childhood contrasted with others’. Picture this: while my friends reveled in garden parties with cinnamon buns, I celebrated in a nightclub, feasting on pizza. My extended family comprised nightclub staff, and encounters with the likes of Björn Skifs, The After Dark-crew, and even ABBA were routine. This distinctiveness laid the foundation for my political activism – battling homophobia, racism, and gender oppression. Being different made me outspoken, pushed me to champion the underdog.

“While my friends reveled in garden parties with cinnamon buns, I celebrated in a nightclub, feasting on pizza.”
Discovering my passion in the realm of expertise? Now, that’s quite the question. To be honest, I’m not entirely sure what my area of expertise truly is. What I do know is that I harbor a deep love for communication and people. The intricate labyrinth of leadership development also deeply intrigues me. There’s an inexplicable joy in facilitating journeys of growth, whether for individuals or teams. Curiously enough, after years of navigating complex projects, I’ve come to embrace the worlds of sales and business.

I am very, very, very excited about Happy Rebel. My company that defines my road to more freedom and more passion. Still it’s working with communication and people but this time adding a greater spark of creativity and experience without excuses. I will continue the development of creative leadership aiming to become the most influential leadership community out there. I know – its bold and crazy but why not? Here’s to embracing new beginnings, pursuing our passions, and chasing our dreams with unshakable determination. As a brand Happy Rebel adds openness, braveness and unconventional ways to the leadership development industry. We have a mission and a passion to help you find your voice as a leader. Because your voice matters and because we are all here to make a difference in this world.
Dedicate some time to self-reflection. Understand how you show up in your intimate relationships. Are you open, communicative, and empathetic? Or do you tend to withdraw or become defensive? Recognizing these patterns can help you grow.
Communication Skills
Communicating well is the bedrock of any relationship. Learn to express your thoughts and feelings honestly and listen actively to your partner. My journey highlights that clear communication can transform how you interact with others in various settings.
Emotional Intelligence
Developing my emotional intelligence has been tantamount to my personal growth. Understanding and managing my emotions and recognizing them in others has led to more harmonious connections, not just in intimate relationships but also at work and in social circles.
Seeking Therapy
Don't hesitate to seek therapy if needed, I did. Therapy isn't just for crisis situations; it can be a valuable tool for personal growth and self-discovery.
Transparency and Vulnerability
Embrace vulnerability in your relationships. It takes courage to open up and be honest with your feelings. My secret obsession taught me that being vulnerable can create deeper, more meaningful connections.
Apply Insights Everywhere
As I discovered, the insights gained from intimate relationships can be applied to other areas of your life. Understanding how I react under stress, how I communicate, and how building trust can positively impact your career, friendships, and overall well-being.

Alexandra Åbrandt’s journey is a vivid mosaic, woven from humor, courage, and an indomitable spirit. Her laughter resonates as a testament to her buoyant outlook, her accomplishments a tribute to her fearlessness. With each step she takes, she forges a path for empowerment, reminding us that embracing change, staying curious, and leading a wholehearted life are the keynotes to a fulfilling journey. Alexandra’s vibrant sense of humor serves as her introduction. She exudes warmth and self-effacement, making everyone feel at ease in her presence.